
In order to facilitate customer testing as well as production usage, there are two externally facing environments that can be accessed; UAT and Production. UAT is designed for user acceptance testing and demo functions, while production is for actual live production data.


The User Acceptance Testing environment is available for customer testing and IHS Markit demonstration purposes and is fully secured just like the production environment. The resources for the system are not comparable to the production environment, but all services are still load balanced and run on multiple nodes to ensure high availability. It is not however subject to the same resiliency requirements - for instance there is no disaster recovery data center in UAT.

When accessing UAT, there are three Urls that are required to be used - one for the identity server for obtaining tokens, one for the root API gateway, and one for the notifications websocket gateway.

Identity Server


API Gateway


Websocket Gateway



The Production environment is available for live customer data only is fully secured with separate credentials from UAT. The resources for the system are fully scalable and right sized to ensure customer NFRs are always met, and are fully load balanced and run on multiple nodes to ensure high availability. In addition there are stringent resiliency requirements such as an active/active disaster recovery data center and full back-ups of data.

When accessing Production in the U.S. (a.k.a ‘US’), there are three Urls that are required to be used - one for the identity server for obtaining tokens, one for the root API gateway, and one for the notifications websocket gateway.

Identity Server


API Gateway


Websocket Gateway


When accessing Production in Europe (a.k.a ‘EU’), the three Urls are

Identity Server


API Gateway


Websocket Gateway
