
The Deals service provides functionality to create, amend and view primary market deals across the full set of supported asset classes. The service is structured in such a way that the schema of the data of different asset classes and deal types is defined in a hierarchy. This means that any deal can be considered at a high level as a generic deal and all deals will share a common set of data, or as a more specific deal type where fields specific to that deal type will be exposed.

Base Urls

The deals service base Urls are as follows:

Service Root


Health Check


Swagger/Open API


Common Structure

In order to support this hierarchical deal structure, although the individual fields are extensible, we have to apply a common structure to the major component elements of the deal. Every different deal type implements and expands up this common deal structure. The following json snippet shows this deal structure, from the deal at the root, through to the series, tranche and product levels. After the json snippet please refer to detailed description each component level.

  "id": "string",
  "series": [
      "trancheIds": [
  "tranches": [
      "id": "string",
      "productIds": [
  "products": [
      "id": "string"

The deal level is the root of the object heirachy and represents an encapsulation of all the elements of a single deal.


A deal can contain an optional array of series elements, which is a way of sub-dividing the deal into seperate series. A series can contain one or more tranches idenitifed by an array of the tranche ids.


A deal can contain one or more tranches, each of which represents a logical portion of the deal. A tranche can contain one or more products idenitifed by an array of the product ids.


The lowest level of the deal heirachy is the product, and this object represents the actual instrument being traded. This could be the bond information for fixed income, or specific shares for equity common stock deals.

Deal Types

The following table shows the different levels at which the service can be accessed, with links to further sections of the documentation where the details of that asset class will be gone into in more detail.

Generic Deal

A generic view across all asset classes and deals types

Fixed Income

A view of all fixed income asset class deal types

Standard Bond

Full access to fixed income standard bond deals


Full access to fixed income municipal deals


A view of all equity asset class deal types

Common Stock

Full access to equity common stock deals


Full access to fixed income preferred deals

Structured Product

Full access to fixed income structured product deals